$97.00 $997.00
Join our Amazon mastermind group to learn from the best in the industry! We get together with other Amazon sellers to teach you what is working in the industry. Maximize your learning curve for a fraction of the cost of other masterminds plus avoid costly mistakes.
Are you stuck with a business idea or only producing a small revenue stream and looking for someone to help you reach the next level?
All you really need to get better at anything in any area of life is the right mentor to show you what’s possible.
Well, that and the willingness to think and act in a new way. A new way that leads to new actions that lead to new results and ultimately to a completely new life.
And what they want to share can take you from wherever you are right now to wherever you want to go in your life.
Our exclusive community has mentors from a variety of backgrounds and skillsets. These men and women I’d like to introduce you to can teach you the little-known skills and strategies that make all of these things, and more, possible.
Most of the skills and strategies these new millionaires next door are using to create their multiple streams of income didn’t even exist 10 years ago…
It simple. If you feel this is a good fit for you go ahead and add this to your cart and checkout. Once we receive your order someone will reach out from our team to connect with you and setup a phone call. This initial fee is for our first phone consultation call. After that, you and your mentor will create a roadmap of scheduled calls that work for you.
Our mentoring takes place over the phone.
That is entirely up to you. We give you the tools and marketing methods and its up to you to implement them. If you would rather have our team handle marketing services for you we can do that. We work with other sellers and businesses just like you!
When you consider how much collective experience we have and our network of professionals you will immediately see the value you are getting for this we don't just take on anyone. We are super selective with who we work with because our company and mentorship is becoming more widely known. We have hands on experience working with startups that have grown to 7 and 8 figure brands. We love what we do and we would love to have a conversation with you about what your goals are and how we can help.
And that includes immediate access to our community forum so you can get started learning and applying your new skills right away.
So now, it’s time for your decision. Are you ready to change the course of your business? Are you tired of getting the same results over and over again?